
Ep #006: How to Get Started on Your Influencer Marketing Journey

July 27, 2022
28 Aug
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No matter what niche you are in, you can find influencers who have established themselves as authorities in that industry. These people have built respect and trust with their audience and have a following that will purchase anything they recommend. But how do you get your product in the hands of these individuals? In this episode, we will be explaining how to get started with influencer marketing for your business and how to gift your products to influencers for optimal creative video content.

Listen in as we break down the importance of beginning with building a relationship before going in for the ask, as well as how to ensure your message stands out from the others that your desired influencer has probably received. You will learn how to track the success of posts, how to reformat the content the influencer creates and how to get usage rights to the content.

  • The different steps involved in influencer marketing.
  • How to go about sending an influencer a product for free.
  • How to go about tracking posts.
  • The best way to get usage rights to the content provided by the influencers.
  • How to pick the right people for your brand.
  • Why you should reconsider giving out a discount code.

  • “Start with a relationship, not with a transaction.” - Taylor Lagace
  • “If you’re going to invest in this strategy, you’ve got to be able to track the content.” - Cody Wittick
  • “Make as much out of what you get as possible.” - Taylor Lagace

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