The Kynship System 

Your Path to New Customer Growth 

When growth feels out of reach, even when you’re doing everything right.

Is this you?

  • Caught between the trade-off of losing profitability by spending more or stagnating by not spending enough?

  • Nailed your product-market fit, but facing an uphill battle with growth?

  • Finding it tough to source enough high-performing ad creative?

  • Working hard to acquire new customers without sacrificing profitability?

  • Implementing cost controls but still not achieving the performance you need?

These challenges are exactly why we created a system combining financial forecasting, creative strategy, and conversion optimization to make sure every effort you make drives profitable new customer acquisition.

Here’s how it works.

Forecast: Charting Your Growth Targets

Growing your brand sustainably starts with a solid financial forecast—but it's more than just crunching numbers. We frame the conversation through this lens: Where are you now? Where do you want to go? What do you want to achieve?

Getting clear on your current position & profit goals:

We start by thoroughly analyzing your current metrics and performance to give us a realistic view of your business’s current position. This helps us build an initial forecast that aligns with your profit margin goals for the next 12 months.

This forecast is a living, breathing document, regularly updated with daily, weekly, and monthly pacing, making sure your strategy stays responsive and relevant in real time. 

Comprehensive P&L forecasting

  • We provide a detailed, cohort-based forecast of your profit and loss, giving you a clear picture of your financial trajectory. This isn’t just about predicting numbers; it’s about creating a roadmap that supports your growth ambitions while keeping your profit margins healthy.

  • Our forecasting process digs deep into what really drives your business. We pull the last two years of historical data to spot seasonality and YoY or MoM changes, helping us understand how each marketing channel impacts your overall marketing mix. 

What we consider

  • Fixed expenses: Your ongoing costs are factored in to make sure that growth strategies align with your financial realities.

  • Marketing channel performance:  By assessing how each channel, including Meta, impacts your success, we can make smarter decisions to optimize your budget and maximize returns.

  • Unit economics: The gross margin per product is broken down to make sure each SKU and offer contributes to a financially beneficial outcome for your business.

  • Profit margins: We look at your profit margins to set realistic growth targets that boost your bottom line while keeping you profitable.

  • Customer retention & repeat rates: Knowing how often customers return to purchase is important. Whether repeat rates are high or low, this insight shapes effective new customer acquisition targets. 

Aligning with your goals

  • We don’t just set targets; we make sure they make sense for your business. By understanding your unique costs and margins, we set realistic goals that help you grow sustainably.

  • It’s not about wishful thinking—it’s about setting you up for success with goals that align with your business reality.

Remember: Your financial forecast is the document for data, not desire. It should show you what’s practical and rooted in reality.

Info card
Where am I?
Understand your current position in the market.
Where do I want to go?
Set clear, achievable goals for your business.
What do I want to achieve?
Define the specific outcomes you aim to accomplish.

Purdy & Figg Achieve Cost-Effective Growth, Reducing CAC by 61.14%

Influencers seeded per month
Influencer posted
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Creative: Fueling Growth with Human-Forward Content

Great creative connects with people on a human level. That’s why we focus on what we call human-forward content—a mix of influencer-generated content (IGC), user-generated content (UGC), customer-generated content (CGC), and branded assets to fuel growth and improve the Acquisition Marketing Efficiency Ratio (aMER).

We aim to get your campaigns live as soon as possible by utilizing your existing content library to kickstart performance. If you don’t have a lot of content on hand, our creative services are designed to build and expand your asset library quickly and effectively. 

Creative testing & reporting:

As your campaigns go live, we regularly provide creative reports to keep you informed on what's performing best. This process allows us to identify top-performing content early on, and when we see something that works, we scale it up to maximize profitability.

Ongoing content development:

While optimizing current assets, we continuously work on filling your creative pipeline with a diverse mix of new content. With each new piece of content, we keep your audience engaged and your campaigns optimized, allowing for greater spend without sacrificing profitability. Our approach ensures that as your investment grows, so does your return, leveraging creative assets to maximize every dollar spent.

How We Work with Your Brand to Generate Human-Forward Content

Influencer seeding

Tap into a large pool of micro-influencers to create a buzz around your brand:

  • Outreach: We start by reaching out to at least 500 influencers, aiming to get 100 or more on board.

  • Content Creation:  From those who opt in, we typically see around 30 influencers posting 2-3 pieces of content each, generating a solid 60-90 unique assets.

  • Iterative Scaling: Through our iterative process, this can snowball into 150+ high-quality assets that keep your content pipeline full.

User generated content (UGC) 

Draw on the creativity of those using your product, turning their authentic experiences into compelling content:

  • Initial creation: We kick off with a range of videos featuring different hook variations to catch your audience’s attention. Every piece of content gets a detailed creative brief. We also make room for revisions, so the content stays true to your brand’s vision and messaging.

  • Additional variations: From there, we mix things up with new variations to keep the content fresh and engaging. 

  • Tweaking the format: Finally, we reformat these videos into different aspect ratios to make sure they work across all platforms and reach as many eyes as possible.

Customer-generated content (CGC)

Tap into the creativity of your most loyal customers to share their positive experiences with your brand:

  • Targeted messaging: We’ll send email and SMS sequences to your high-LTV customers, encouraging them to get involved.

  • Incentivized participation: We offer incentives for customers to create short videos, which helps us gather a diverse range of authentic content that resonates with potential buyers.

Branded assets

Let us help you ideate, produce, execute, and/or edit your assets with a strategic approach that doesn’t compromise your brand’s aesthetic: 

  • Briefing & planning: We start with a detailed briefing process to understand your brand’s goals, existing assets, and creative needs. This includes visual requirements, messaging strategy, and platform specifications. 

  • Content creation: Our team handles all aspects of production, from photographer and videography to CGI renderings and animations. We use techniques such as unique lighting setups to add depth, dimension and a professional polished look to your visuals.

  • Editing & optimization: Post-production includes color correction, retouching, and adapting content for various formats and platforms. We regularly review performance and refine the creative based on data-driven insights to keep your visual assets fresh and aligned with your acquisition goals.

Once we’ve set up your creative pipeline using one, two or all of the above, we put it to work in your ad account.

info card

Conversion: Powering Up The Ads That Perform

Now that we’ve optimized your creative strategy, it’s time to focus on the ads that deliver the best results and drive new customer growth.

Ad management for Meta, TikTok, & Google:

We don’t just manage ad spend; we strategically improve your entire Ecommerce ecosystem, making sure every campaign drives new customer acquisition and supports overall business growth. 

At Kynship, performance is a given—we focus on unlocking efficient spending while maintaining strong results through the strategic use of cost controls. By closely monitoring ad spend, we make sure spend is only allocated when an ad can achieve its target CPA, set at a profitable level. This approach means no wasted money, no unnecessary budget limits, and no downside from underperforming creatives. 

Here’s why we prioritize cost controls:

  • Continuous optimization: Cost controls allow for real-time adjustments, management budgets to high-performing ads, ensuring resources are used efficiently without the need for constant manual tinkering. 

  • Maximizing aMER: By concentrating spend on ads that align with your efficiency targets, we optimize aMER, making sure every dollar drives the highest possible return while minimizing wasted spend on less effective ads.

  • Flexible scaling: Cost controls offer the flexibility to adjust ad spend based on performance and market conditions, allowing us to scale up or down as needed to optimize results without overspending.

  • Adapting to market changes: This strategy allows us to quickly respond to shifts in consumer behavior and market demand, capitalizing on high-opportunity moments while controlling costs during slower periods.

Landing page design & optimization:

Your landing page is where the magic happens. We work closely with you to develop new offers tailored for both new and returning customers. These offers are matched with unique landing pages designed to maximize engagement and conversion rates. By constantly testing and refining these elements based on how customers are interacting with the page, we make sure every campaign adapts to improve performance and deliver maximum value.

home good ad on phonehome good ad on phone

“We’ve been working with Kynship for 6 months now and have been very happy with both the results and the seamless manner in which our teams collaborate. After hitting a performance plateau with our previous agency, over two quarters with Kynship we’ve been able to substantially cut and stabilize our Meta CPA, while concurrently increasing our ad budget many times over—driving unprecedented levels of revenue.” Farzad Sharif, Head of Marketing, Supergut

brand owner
Paul Jackson
Co-Founder, Animalhouse Fitness

“I was very impressed with the forecasting that Kynship provided. Their spreadsheets probably had 15 pages of our brand’s micro and macro economics. Super helpful in helping us understand overall strategy in our ad spend that would lead us to our goals.” 

Brand owner
David Menzel,
Co-Founder and CEO, Saltyface

Why choose The Kynship System?

Proven results in driving growth and improving profitability.
Comprehensive approach that covers all critical aspects of business development.
Data-driven strategies that adapt to market changes and business needs.
Expertise from a team dedicated to your success.
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