
Ep #009: The Influencer Marketing Pyramid: Why One Person Can’t Do it All

August 31, 2022
3 Sep
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Building a strong influencer marketing program for your business can be time-consuming and monotonous when you’ve got the rest of your company to take care of. It is also a lot of work for just one person to do an excellent job of alone. So, how do you begin incorporating influencer marketing into your marketing plan if you don’t have spare time? In this episode, we will explain the benefit of hiring an agency or outsourcing this part of your marketing to ensure you get the most reach with the most return.

Listen in as we share the potential downfalls of hiring an agency and what you can do if you’re not ready to commit to that scale of influencer outreach. You will learn the pros of having an in-house employee who takes care of influencer marketing, the red flags to look out for when hiring and how to make sure you’re hiring the right person for your business.

*This episode was recorded directly after episode 6*

  • When someone should think about hiring for influencer marketing.
  • Who should be hired for influencer marketing.
  • A disadvantage of working with an agency.
  • The benefit of hiring someone specifically for finding and reaching out to influencers.
  • Ways in which you can invest in influencer marketing.
  • Reasons you should hire an agency.

  • “It’s the labor involved in finding influencers and reaching out to them that is incredibly laborious [and can be outsourced].” - Cody Wittick
  • “It all starts with laying the foundation properly, with the initial step being influencer seeding.” - Taylor Lagace
  • “Don’t get entry-level employees that won’t give you the attention you deserve.” - Cody Wittick

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