
Ep #014: Influencer Whitelisting: What you need to know

November 9, 2022
3 Sep
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Brands that don’t adapt their influencer strategies miss out on new customers while also paying for content that very few people see. Listen in as we dive into everything you need to know about Whitelisting.

  • [00:31] The definition of whitelisting
  • [01:36] Difference between whitelisting & boosting posts
  • [02:38] Why majority are interested in whitelisting
  • [06:34] Kynship's whitelisting success stories
  • [09:05] Practical steps to take to get started with whitelisting
  • [10:47] Metrics to look out for when seeking Whitelisting partnership success
  • [14:55] Lookalike audiences vs Broad audience targeting
  • [17:48] Examples of failed whitelisting partnerships
  • “Boosting posts is mostly used for the vanity metrics; try to avoid it”-Taylor Lagace
  • “If you do have whitelisting, test it at every level of the funnel: run the same content fromthe influencer’s handle, the brand's handle as well as your handle to see if it’ll prompt adifferencein performance”-Taylor Lagace
  • “If there's no correlation to a lifted performance, don't spend hiked-up rates forwhitelisting. In reality, it's all about the content.”-Taylor Lagace
  • “With whitelisting, you’re leveraging your ability to understand how warm the influencer’saudience is”-Taylor Lagace
  • “Whitelisting 101: Using broad audience targeting > lookalike audiences”-Taylor Lagace
  • “If your store is converting 2000 purchases per month, you should start using broadaudience targeting”-Taylor Lagace

Cody Wittick: Twitter

Taylor Lagace: Twitter

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